Saturday, June 11, 2011

This is how we do it.

Ah, a fresh, new blog. What a way to spend a Saturday night, huh? I suppose informing the interwebz of my intentions would be a wonderful idea, no? So, here it goes.

Often, I am asked for suggestions on what my friends should read or asked to give others a general idea of whatever book my nose is glued to at that time (As a general rule, I try not to leave the house without a book in my bag. You never know when you'll get stuck by a train or caught in traffic or someone decided it would be a good idea to play Jumanji two blocks over and elephants are on the loose causing mayhem). It has also been my goal over the last few years to read at least 100 books per year (excluding 2009. Thank you, sparkly vampires, for ruining my stride). 

So, I thought, what better way to spread the magic of recreational reading and sidestep frequently perusing my library for my friends than to start a blog? Every time I finish a new book, I will post a photo of the book, my thoughts and somewhat of a review. I refuse to go into detail about plots (unless they're general knowledge) because you have to read it in order for this blog to serve its purpose. 

So, here I am. Writing a blog. Well, here goes nothing!

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