Thursday, June 16, 2011

17) This Lullaby-Sarah Dessen

Look, I did warn you that there would be a lot of her work on here. I'm learning that maybe the young adult section that I once feared may not be so bad after all. Actually, I'm still pretty scared of it, but as long as I stay away from the supernatural parts, I might be okay.

As I said, many of my friends are pretty big Sarah Dessen fans. When I alerted them that I would be reading another one and then told them the title, almost all of them were so excited I was finally reading their favorite. Well, that didn't put this book up to any sort of standard or anything.

This time around, we meet Remy. She's finalizing the plans for yet another one of her mother's weddings. When she goes to collect a check from the groom-to-be, Don, a guy named Dexter practically slams her into the wall and says he felt drawn to her. Having a pret-ty bad outlook on men, love and relationships (she has a flawless system that always sees her as the victor) because of her mother's frequent trips down the aisle, she ignores him. Besides, she's going all the way across the country to Stanford in the fall. Who needs a boyfriend for the summer after she graduates high school? Of course, this chance encounter bulldozes into her life and starts to shake her perfectly constructed world at her feet.

While I did really like this book, it was harder to get through than the others. I was annoyed with how much of a bitch Remy could be when something started to shift in a way that she didn't like. Then again, the character and her friends do warn us on more than one occasion that this was simply how she was. Dexter is easily my second favorite love interest, though. To all of my friends who feel differently, I'm sorry. I still love Macon Faulkner the best and Someone Like You is still my favorite.

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