Wednesday, March 28, 2012

18) Mockingbird-Kathryn Erskine

Caitlin has always been different. Living with Asperger's is hard enough, but now it's even harder. She's gone from "that really weird girl" to "that really weird girl whose brother was killed in a school shooting" at school. Before her brother died, he would make things easier for her to understand and would help her grow. Now with him gone, it's harder to figure anything out or deal with certain situations. She wishes Devon were around to tell her how to make friends or understand emotion or see everything in anything other than black and white. But he can't because he's gone. Her dad is crumbling, the girls at school aren't much help and Mrs.Brook can only help so far. 

Mrs.Brook does help, though. She helps Caitlin understand that she needs to make friends. Caitlin makes a friend in Michael, a younger boy who coincidentally lost his mother in the same school shooting as Devon. What she learns is that they both need closure. And their dads need closure and the community needs closure. But what is closure? Is it tangible? Where can you find it? How do you feel once you find it? Can she learn to find color in life?

Secondary schools read. I genuinely liked this book. I was neither interested nor disinterested in it, so I didn't have much to go on. I was pleasantly surprised by now much I liked it. It was something new and different and it gave you insight into something that you might not necessarily be familiar with. There was the process of acceptance and grieving, but it was magnified by her disability. I thought it was just a really engrossing read. It was quick, but engaging. Really wonderful read.

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